
Exploring Shakespeare: Hamlet's Act

'only theatre can show Hamlet the truth'

Tiffany Parker 0 5328

Shakespeare in Italy’s Associate Director Bill Alexander turns his attention to 'Hamlet' in his series on rehearsing Shakespeare. Here he demonstrates how much of the play is indeed about acting – and the different meanings of the word.

Exploring Shakespeare: Twelfth Night 3 - Enter Sir Toby

'there is no good comedy without tension and the possibility of sudden reversal'

Tiffany Parker 0 7324

Shakespeare In Italy presents the third instalment in its Associate Director Bill Alexander's truly enlightening series of blogs on Rehearsing Shakespeare focusing on particular plays. In this  - Twelfth Night : Enter Sir Toby - he examines the nature of comedy and tragedy looking at the interaction between Toby, Maria and Andrew Aguecheek. 

Exploring Shakespeare: Twelfth Night - Sea Captain

'Behind every line of Shakespeare there has to be an intention on the part of the speaker'

Mary Chater 0 6324

Our Associate Director Bill Alexander continues his brilliant series of blogs on Rehearsing Shakespeare here focusing on particular plays and in this edition - Twelfth Night and the sea captain - the importance of the role in setting up the plot and actioning the text. 

Decameron short play finalists announced

Six finalists from 60 entries

Tiffany Parker 0 3111

We are delighted to announce the finalists in our Decameron Short Play competition.

'Fairies' by Adam Szudrich. A haunting tale of Irish folklore.

'Legend of Lizzie' by Ollie Knox. A young man isolated with his girlfriend has to tell the best story he can - or else.

'When the Going Gets Tough' by Phil Sparkes. Two civil servants ruminate over restrictions in a period of lockdown.

'Professor Pennington's Wife' by Sarah McCormack. A student tricks her professor and ends up with the prize she had wanted from the start.

'The Cabinet of Secrets' by Harry Summers. Filostrato's tale - story 2 on day 7 - re-imagined with Boris and Dominic in a close encounter.

'Slow Dating' by Adam Szudrich. A tender tale demonstrating the perpetuating power of passion
