
And the winner is - Mark Daniels for 'Coronavirus - A Great British Farce' - bravura, absurdist writing - KEEP THEATRE ALIVE!

In association with #PropsMentalHealth our #short #playwriting #competition final last night with 4 plays for the judges to choose from.

Mary Chater 0 2022

Well done and richly deserved Mark!

Superby well acted by Martin Nicholls and Lachlan Forlong who joined us from #NewZealand.

One of the finalists zoomed in from #California, Stephanie D Lewis for her play The View from the Middle.

Jon Platten's Black Dogs and Danish Men won plaudits as did Rock, Paper, Scissors by Rebecca Colmer.

Other actors featured were - Ruby Campbell  Ida Casilli  Mary Chater  Tiffany Parker  Emily Rayner  Florence Roberts

Martin Vaughan Lewis  Paul Westwood

It was a close run thing as the writing was forensically observed, absurdist and poetic in the four selected - such a difficult choice had to be made.
Several more potential finalists' plays will be read on Friday #March19th. They are also extremely accomplished pieces of writing.

A #review of the plays by #SimonJenner is below. #itsgoodtotalk #teamwork

The Eleanor Rathbone Charitable Trust awards us funding for a new project at The Venus Centre, #Bootle

The Eleanor Rathbone foundation has awarded us a grant to work for a second time with women at #TheVenusCentre in Bootle, #Liverpool

Mary Chater 0 2688

Ebbing and Flowing in a Brave New World,
is a Shakespeare inspired theatre-based resilience and leadership project which will be delivered to the users of our partner charity, The Venus Centre in Bootle, Merseyside.
The project has been designed by our co-founder Mary Chater in collaboration with mentor
and community employer specialist Tonya Easter. It re-elaborates the concepts of shipwreck,
adaptation to a new world and development of resilience/leadership skills as seen in
The Tempest and Twelfth Night, to identify and work with issues specific to women and especially those badly affected by the pandemic.

We are thrilled to have been awarded this grant.

Actress, applied theatre practitioner and Member of Shakespeare in Italy, #Edinburgh based #IdaCasilli will lead the work later this year. 

We are looking for additional funding to support this project, if you are interested in sponsoring then please contact Mary Chater at  

#EleanorRathbone #Liverpool #Women'sSuffrage #TheVenusCentre #Bootle #TheTempest #TwelfthNight #Merseyside

Finalists of the Lockdown Taboo and You Short Play Competition

Shakespeare in Italy is delighted to announce the four finalists in our competition

Tiffany Parker 0 2075

Shakespeare in Italy is delighted to announce the four finalists in our short play competition run in partnership with Props Mental Health. With almost 100 entries and more than a dozen short-listed, it was a very difficult task to choose the final four. It will make for a great evening on Thursday (March 11) when we will perform them in a rehearsed reading. Come along to listen and watch!

The four finalists are:

Coronavirus - a Great British Farce by Mark Daniels

The View from the Middle by Stephanie D Lewis

Rock, Paper, Scissors by Rebecca Colmer

Black Dogs and Danish Men by Jon Platten 

#playwritingcompetition #finalists #comedy #farce #rehearsedreading  #actorslife #actors #emergingwriters 

#Masterclass video with #BillAlexander at #PlaygroundTheatre March 2nd 2020 on #TheMerchantofVenice just before lockdown

With #DramaStudio graduates #CarolineOliver #OliviaGosling #LachlanForlong #ConnorSheridan

Mary Chater 0 1957

In preparation for Bill Alexander's production of his #6character version that he is calling A Merchant of Venice, on 02/03/2020 he led a public masterclass on Shakespeare's text at The Playground Theatre in Latimer Road London W10. 

4 recent Drama Studio graduates took part - Connor Sheridan, Lachlan Forlong, Olivia Gosling and Caroline Oliver


#TheMerchantofVenice #DramaStudio #HonoraryAssociateArtistRSC #BillAlexander #BeforeCovid #beforefirstlockdown

#HonoraryAssociateArtistBillAlexander #ThePlaygroundTheatre

‘Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares, and take the winds of March with beauty’

We have a spring in our step and are feeling as mad as March hares with exciting activities to keep you buzzing, creative and connected

Tiffany Parker 0 6569
  • Talking Shakespeare – We are excited that Dame Janet Suzman will be joining us once again on Monday evenings for a two-parter on March 22 and 29 
  • Cleo and the boys – Janet will be with us to mark Shakespeare’s birthday at 7pm on April 23 with her fascinating talk, an unconventional take on Antony and Cleopatra. 
  • Lockdown, Taboo and You – members of the company and invited actors will present a rehearsed reading of the four finalists in our play writing competition March 11th
  • Read-a-long and Tame the Shrew – Join members of the company on Tuesday evenings, beginning March 16, 23 and 30th

For booking information follow this link. There is also an option for one ticket to all seven events for £25. Otherwise each event is individually priced.
