
Snacking on Shakespeare - @ #Fabrica #BrightonandHove x3 #free sessions for #over50's Oct 8, 15, 22 from 2 - 4 pm #VolunteeringMatters

A short and sweet look at Shakespeare, to be taken by #cofounder Julian Curry who runs annual Shakespeare summer courses in Italy. You will be led through scenes by Julian who has a wealth of professional experience. See his biog on Who We Are. All you need is yourself and an interest in drama. ‘All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players’. Will you join us?

Mary Chater 0 3373

The Ageing Well Festival has begun -  September 30th to October 13th in Brighton and Hove. You can visit the official website for events and activities going on around #BrightonandHove.

#Gaslight by Patrick Hamilton - UK tour directed by #AssociateArtist #LucyBailey with #MartinShaw, #JamesWilby, #CharlotteEmmerson, #Cofounder #MaryChater & #GeorgiaClarkeDayay

#TheatreRoyalWindsor, #TheAlexandraTheatre, Birmingham, #TheYvonneArnaud, Guildford, #TheatreRoyalBath and #NewTheatrePeterborough - tour ends October 26th - a #BillKenwright production

Mary Chater 0 4737

New Beginnings Art Awards, #TheLightbox, Woking from Kate Paradine CEO of

Journey Within - a performance at art awards ceremony - open to all female prisoners in and those newly released from Surrey prisons on September 10th - the exhibition is still on at #TheLightbox

Mary Chater 0 3401

Dear Charlotte and Mary,

On behalf of all of us at WIP thank you so much for organising such a wonderful performance at the New Beginnings Art Awards at the Lightbox - hard to believe it was the 9th year.

We have had so much lovely feedback on the event and as the High Sheriff of Surrey said in her note attached - a 'ray of light' in these dark times.

The performance  was a real inspiration for all of us, especially women and their families that were at the event. I was personally blown away by the pride of the daughters in their mums being able to perform at the event.

Of all the years I have attended this was my favourite with a wonderful atmosphere - which you had a big part in helping to create.

We hope we can work together in the future and as promised I will put you in touch with our Manchester team.

Best wishes,


Kate Paradine

Chief Executive, Women in Prison,   Charity number 1118727
