
Summer school in #Cagli theatre, (Pesaro Urbino) Marche with top directors Chris Luscombe and Vik Sivalingam

We're delighted that AT LAST we can hold another of our exceptional summer schools in Italy. We will work on The Comedy of Errors and Much Ado About Nothing

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Hot off the press - 23 people coming this year from India, Bangladesh, Iraq, New Zealand, Portugal, Holland, Italy, Ireland and England aged 21 - 80 including two young actresses graduating from the Institute for Contemporary Theatre in Brighton who have been awarded bursaries to attend the course.

WELCOME to our first summer school in Italy since 2019 when we were in Florence.

This year the plays chosen are lighter weight than some because after two years of Covid we want to let our hair down! Laughter is the name of the game.

Most participants come for both modules but some people attend only one. Please ask the cost for one play module.

The Trustees offer bursaries for students - at previous summer schools we've awarded bursaries to participants from Mexico, Iraq, Ireland and England.

Anyone aged 18 and upwards from anywhere in the world is welcome to attend as long as they speak English fluently.

Accommodation is at Hotel Pineta -

or Casa Lapis which are apartments to share -

Both places are in the centre of town, close to the theatre.

We advise people to use the Arden edition of each play if possible.

NB -  the workshops are from an actor's point of view, this is NOT an academic course. We work hard and have plenty of fun too!

Short film about Cagli theatre and area has been added below.

The dates are - 14th July arrival day with welcome aperitivo and group dinner.

15, 16, 17 The Comedy of Errors with Chris Luscombe in Cagli theatre.

18 is a free day with a trip to Gubbio and the Roman Amphitheatre.

19, 20, 21 Much Ado About Nothing with Vik Sivalingam in Cagli theatre. We have a farewell group dinner on 21st.

22nd July departure day.

Both group dinners are at La Gioconda in centre of Cagli where they make mouth watering dishes, some with black and white truffles.

How to get to Cagli - sustainable travel on the train to Bologna Centrale then train down the Adriatic coast to Fano and a group taxi with other participants to Cagli. Or fly to Bologna airport then Marconi Express transit to train station from airport, train to Fano and share taxi to Cagli. Fly to Ancona airport and taxi to Cagli. 

'I always crave the opportunity to do theatre work with people for whom drama is a passion and not just a hobby. That’s why I am so very pleased to have discovered Shakespeare in Italy.' Jennifer Major, New Zealand

'I discovered Shakespeare in Italy in 2017 on a glorious summer School in Padua, then returned to Calabria in 2018. I joined the London Summer School last year and was determined to try and join everyone in Cagli, so am hugely looking forward to catching up with a few old, familiar faces and meeting some new ones.' Elizabeth Ollier, London 


Students' quotes from St Marylebone C of E school, W1 having seen our first production 'A Merchant of Venice' in Nov/ Dec @Playground W10

PLUS an enthusiastic testimonial from Hannah Jeens, Head of English

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Testimonial – Hannah Jeens, Head of English, St Marylebone School

A Merchant of Venice project with Shakespeare in Italy

I feel extremely fortunate to have had the experience provided to us by Shakespeare in Italy with their outreach programme based around their production “A Merchant of Venice”. At every turn, they offered us more than we expected and were accommodating of changes necessitated by school logistics, in this very challenging time.

This year, following lockdowns and remote learning, providing enrichment opportunities beyond the classroom has felt like one of our more pressing educational responsibilities and needs. We were consequently delighted when Shakespeare in Italy were able to offer us a workshop in school for every single student in our Year 8 cohort, free tickets to a performance of a play we were studying, free programmes and a question-and-answer session with the actors. It was an incredible opportunity for our students; for many it was their first trip to a theatre and opened their eyes to new possibilities of learning.

They were particularly thrilled by the interactions with the actors. This was evident by the wide range of questions they asked during the question-and-answer session. They were keen to know all sorts of things both about being an actor and about the text itself, which is an experience they could never have realised in the classroom alone. The students also loved the fact that the actress playing Portia took part in their workshop. Even though I am sure their English teachers could have answered the same questions about Portia, it was much more interesting for them to speak to an actor!

I was very interested to see how the students lapped up the information they got from their workshops. I am grateful to Nikki Pearson for her extensive research and the depth of thought that went into the material. The students in my class in particular were so interested in the ways dogs were perceived in Elizabethan England, and it was thrilling to see them using this information to support their points about Shylock’s language both in class discussion and later on in their written work. Of course, not only did this enhance their English and drama studies but opened their minds to living history and hopefully other subject teachers will also gained benefits from these activities.

Teaching The Merchant of Venice in Year 8 is a very rewarding and interesting unit, but it was definitely greatly enhanced this year by the experiences provided by Shakespeare in Italy. We only study four scenes of the play in class, as our teaching is focused on the interaction between Shylock and Antonio. It was fantastic for the students to then be able to see the rest of the play live (in a helpfully abridged version), and so enrich their understanding of how the part they know so well connects to the rest of the text. 

I would like to thank Shakespeare in Italy for their generosity with their time and expertise, and for bringing Shakespeare to life so vividly, both as a text and as a part of the theatrical profession, for our students who have been starved of such experiences in recent years. 

Here is a small selection of what the students had to say:


"It was very interesting to see how the actors viewed their characters. It was a very fun experience." (L)


"I liked how they interpreted the play in their own way and modernised it" (A)


#EnvironmentDay organised by #Phakama at @ICTheatreUK in Brighton

1st year acting students at @ICTheatreUK wow with their engagement and talent

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What a fab start to 2022!

Phakama theatre company at Queen Mary's University, London E1 organised Environment Day on Tuesday January 11th with acting students from the Institute for Contemporary Theatre in #Brighton

Artists - Rez Kabir led sessions on Ancient and Modern Cultures and Myths and Mary Chater on Magic, Symbolism and Nature in Shakespeare and some mask work

Phakama practitioners Bhavini Sheth and Caterina Tucker led warm ups

Sarah Sayeed and Anna Glarin run Phakama 

Many thanks to Phil Edgerley, head of acting and Principle Lecturer for being a 101% welcoming at ICT - what great students you have and what a terrific atmosphere there is in the school!

#HappyChristmas - #HappyHolidays - #BuoneFeste to our great supporters and friends

Sending you much festive cheer and try to avoid catching Omicron or any other varieties of Covid that are out there this Christmas!

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Photos of two of the several projects Shakespeare in Italy has enjoyed leading in 2021.

Apples and Eyes summer school was #ACE funded for 14 - 18 year olds and took place in Racehill Community Orchard in #Brighton overlooking the sea, the racecourse and #Whitehawk with #TrustforDevelopingCommunities and #BrightonPermacultureTrust - Aug 30 to Sept 3rd.

Our first production - A Merchant of Venice, new 6 character version of the original play, adapted and directed by Bill Alexander at The Playground Theatre, W10 - Nov 10 to Dec 4th.

Production photos - © Guy Bell,

Other work in 2021 included -

a summer school at The Playground Theatre in June with participants working over 2 days on #MuchAdoAboutNothing with actor / director / teacher Philip Cumbus and 4 days on #TwelfthNight and #TwoMerchantsofModena (a new translation by Mike Poulton of Gl'Ingannati which Shakespeare 'stole' to write Twelfth Night) with acclaimed director Lucy Bailey and RSC voice coach Michael Corbidge.

'Alien's Order' linked to our recent production of 'A Merchant of Venice' with a group called Well Written who are service users from St Charles Mental Health Centre in #W10. This is funded by the #CliffordChanceFoundation who we thank for their generosity. #AssociateDevelopment community engagement specialist Collette Parker has been leading sessions with a playwright and filmmaker on ideas and scripts to do with isolation, alienation and injustice ( themes from the play) which will be read or performed to camera.

workshops at St Marylebone CofE school linked to our first show with year 8 students in Nov / December. The students came to the production and for some it was the first time seeing a live show in a theatre. We thank BMH Associates for making the theatre visits and drama sessions possible.

In May, we were delighted to be the recipients of an award from the #EleanorRathboneFoundation in #Liverpool to do more workshops with women from #TheVenusCentre in #Bootle. Covid permitting, this work will be undertaken in 2022.

We ran an online programme of events in the early part of the year including a highly successful short playwriting competition called 'Lockdown, Taboo and You' - it was won by the #upandcoming young #playwright Mark Daniels with 'Corona Virus, A Great British Farce.'

#Filmclip of #trialscene from A Merchant of Venice at The Playground Theatre from Nov 10th - Dec 4th 2021

plus photos from this, our first production - Production photos - © Guy Bell,

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The film clip / video is of the famous trial scene from our 6 character new version of the equally famous play, our adaptation entitled A Merchant of Venice.
The characters in the scene are -
#Solania - a composite of various roles from Shakespeare's play
#Antonio - the eponymous Merchant
#Graziano - kinsman to Antonio
#Bassanio - in love with Portia
#Shylock - the Jewish moneylender who has entered into a legal agreement with Antonio and is contesting his rights in the case
#Balthazar, a young lawyer - aka #Portia


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