
Apples and Eyes 2 - #free young peoples' autumn school in #halfterm #Oct24 - 27 in #OneGardenBrighton

funded by Arts Council England and Brighton and Hove City Council we are running another free, creative arts course for 13 - 18 year olds

Mary Chater 0 1210

With our partner organisation Trust for Developing Communities we will work with up to 16 young people on the theme of resilience and explore characters from #TheTempest.

The course is free of charge to 13 - 18 year olds in the Brighton and Hove area but we can only work with up to 16 participants.

We have been given the use of One Garden Brighton and new state of the art classrooms to investigate the idea of being stuck on an island (the metaphor relating to two years of Covid and lockdowns comes to mind) and how you relate to people / strangers who are also stranded that you might meet there.

 Mary Chater will work on excerpts from the first act of The Tempest, Tonya Bridle on masks and mask making, Sarah Sayeed from Phakama on music and Matt Kowalczuk will assist them with short films that they want to make arising from the drama, music and mask making sessions.

The young people will showcase their work at #Wildfest on Saturday October 29th.

To register for the autumn school please contact Caroline Vitta -

#BHCC #Brighton #StanmerPark #OneGardenBrighton #Shakespeare #Miranda #Prospero #Ariel #Caliban #Ferdinand #Phakama #Freefestival #youngpeople #freefun #freecourse #free

#BHCC Communities Fund 2022-23: we have received a Resilience Grant from #Brighton&Hove - hooray!

We're delighted that #BHCC have given us a grant towards Apples and Eyes 2( young people's autumn school) + Wildfest

Mary Chater 0 1263

The four day autumn school with young people from our partner organisation Trust for Developing Communities + Wildfest will both take place during the half term week in October in #OneGarden in #Stanmer Park.

The creative arts festival is free to all residents and non residents of Brighton and Hove and will feature theatre, music, dance, participatory workshops and stalls.

The theme of Wildfest is the natural world.

Wildfest will be from 10:00 - 18:00 on Saturday October 29th - please tell your friends and be there to join in the fun and celebrate the environment in all it's glory.


#ACE grant for Young People's Apples and Eyes 2 autumn school + WILDFEST in #OneGarden, #Brighton

We're thrilled to have received an Arts Council grant to run a second young people's autumn school + community arts event in #OneGarden, #StanmerPark. #Brighton

Mary Chater 0 1237

The beautiful 18th c walled One Garden will be the venue for our first community arts celebration open to all residents of Brighton & Hove and elsewhere.

The festival is free.

The date of Wildfest is Saturday October 29th 2022 from 10.00 - 18.00

 Wildfest is an inclusive community festival, a celebration of the benefits our amazing and unique environment can bring to the enjoyment of performance and the arts, enriching and transforming lives.

There will be theatre, music, dance, story telling, environmentally themed participatory workshops, stalls plus food and drink.

The Apples and Eyes 2 autumn school for young people will be held with our partner Trust for Developing Communities in One Garden earlier that same week. It follows on from our very successful Arts Council funded summer school last year in Racehill Community Orchard in partnership with #BrightonPermaculture and #TrustforDevelopingCommunities.




#Summerschool in #Cagli theatre from July 14 - 22 - photos, feedback, poems etc with directors #Chris Luscombe & #VikSivalingam

We had a sensationally good time and the theatre on stage was cool with NO AIR CON because the thick stone walls kept the heat out.

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FEEDBACK from participants -

To be in Cagli for the Summer School 22 was really an exciting experience. It was so successful. It would not be possible without your efforts and encouragement. I cannot express my great thanks and  gratitude enough for your kindness and generosity. Majeed Mohammed Midhin from Iraq

I thoroughly enjoyed my trip to Cagli - what a beautiful place, full of character, with a wonderful theatre to work in. I hope that there will be a chance to come again. Simon Edginton from UK

I did enjoy the summer school and I really want to work with you guys again. Chumki Mitra from India

Wonderful town and fabulous theatre to work in. Lovely people everywhere you go in Cagli.  Hotel, theatre, restaurants. Also not touristy and so not expensive. David Choules from UK

A really good summer school and I’m definitely up for next year’s. Emma Rayner from UK

The next course will be in spring or autumn 2023 to avoid the great summer heat. Several days running we had temperatures in the high 30C's.

The Trustees of Shakespeare in Italy are making a large donation to The Woodland Trust to help offset carbon emissions caused by participants coming to attend and return from the summer school. The Woodland Trust is the largest Woodland Conservation Charity in the UK

We run a poetry competition every year. Demmi - Lee Smith aged 21 won it with -


Demmi - Lee is a recent acting graduate from Institute for Contemporary Theatre in Brighton @ICTheatreUK 

There once was a bud,

Young and Naïve in it’s essence,

Who went to Shakespeare in Italy,

Further seeking to grow in her adolescence.


The bud grew brighter, brawny and besotted,

Bursting with confidence and presence,

While it gained wiseness of Shakespeare,

In such a ray of pleasance.


The largely grown flower was dejected,

To see it all such end,

Whilst oozing with enlightenment

Of all the wisdom she comprehends,


As the adventure is quickly finalising,

The flower is slowly idolising,

All the possibilities are vitalising,

This magical moment

She will cherish

Till the end.


The Brilliance of Shakespeare in

Young people that everyone

Thought had died,

This flower carries on her

Stem of all of his derived

The subdivide of lovers,

The pride that must be kept,

The Comedy of Antipholus

And that Egeon found up west.

O poor Beatrice in her state of rage

Struck with a love that implied so blind.


So to everyone this is my farewell.

Our #AssociateArtist Lucy Bailey directs #MuchAdoAboutNothing @The_Globe

Acclaimed director Lucy Bailey has a slew of excellent reviews for her new production that opened at the beginning of May - please see some below

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Link to Lucy talking on BBC R4 about the production -
