
The Eleanor Rathbone Charitable Trust awards us funding for a new project at The Venus Centre, #Bootle
Mary Chater
/ Categories: News

The Eleanor Rathbone Charitable Trust awards us funding for a new project at The Venus Centre, #Bootle

The Eleanor Rathbone foundation has awarded us a grant to work for a second time with women at #TheVenusCentre in Bootle, #Liverpool

Ebbing and Flowing in a Brave New World,
is a Shakespeare inspired theatre-based resilience and leadership project which will be delivered to the users of our partner charity, The Venus Centre in Bootle, Merseyside.
The project has been designed by our co-founder Mary Chater in collaboration with mentor
and community employer specialist Tonya Easter. It re-elaborates the concepts of shipwreck,
adaptation to a new world and development of resilience/leadership skills as seen in
The Tempest and Twelfth Night, to identify and work with issues specific to women and especially those badly affected by the pandemic.

We are thrilled to have been awarded this grant. We are looking for additional funding to support this project, if you are interested in sponsoring then please contact Mary Chater at  

Actress, applied theatre practitioner and Member of Shakespeare in Italy, #Edinburgh based #IdaCasilli will lead the work later this year.

#EleanorRathbone #Liverpool #Women'sSuffrage #TheVenusCentre #Bootle #TheTempest #TwelfthNight #Merseyside


Eleanor Rathbone (1872-1946) was the daughter of William Rathbone VI, an outstanding philanthropist dedicated to social reform. Among other achievements she established a District Nursing system in Liverpool which was adopted nationwide.

Eleanor was the first woman to be elected to Liverpool City Council and represented Granby ward from 1909 to 1934. In 1929 she was elected as an independent MP and continued in this position until her death in 1946. She was associated with many campaigns for social reform, particularly on issues affecting women. She is most often associated with the campaign to introduce Family Allowances, finally won in 1945, which developed into Child Benefit. She was also involved with women's suffrage, human rights, and refugee issues.

#ChildBenefit #FamilyAllowance #Granbyward #LiverpoolCityCouncil #firstwomanLCC #womenssuffrage 

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