
Exploring Shakespeare: Character and Narrative

"The art of rehearsal is to capture moments of potential change, when the direction of life hangs in the balance, when a character might behave or react in an unexpected way."

Mary Chater 0 5024

Further to his previous blog on character and language, here our Associate Director Bill Alexander discusses character and Narrative. #actors #actorslife #performingarts #rehearsalprocess #ShareYourShakespeare @RSC

Exploring Shakespeare: Character and Language

"It's never about what the actor can do to the verse, it's about what the verse can do to them."

Mary Chater 0 5672

Continuing this fascinating series of blogs from our Associate Director Bill Alexander. Here Bill talks about the distinct nature of Shakespeare's language and how this relates to character. #actors #actorslife #performingarts #rehearsalprocess #rehearsalroom #ShareYourShakespeare @RSC

Sharing Shakespeare

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Mary Chater 0 5061

Sharing Shakespeare is our new online digital platform. Find out all you need to know here about our events. #actors #actorslife #performingarts #ShareYourShakespeare @RSC

#RSCHonoraryAssociateArtist #director Bill Alexander explains below about his #blog started here on March 23rd - #ShareYourShakespeare @theRSC

Preliminary thoughts outlined in Bill's new blog will be expanded soon

Mary Chater 0 4839

"Each one of these blogs is just a beginning, a simple and brief laying out of thoughts before a more detailed exploration of the issues at a later date. When this sequence is complete I will revisit each one and expand it to 3 or 4 times the length, illustrating key points from various productions of my own".

Bill Alexander

Exploring Shakespeare: Design

"Shakespeare paints landscapes with language; he builds sets for you." 

Mary Chater 0 5812

Fast on the heels of his previous blog, is the sixth in this current series by our Associate Director Bill Alexander. The blogs accompany our plans to stage Bill's six-actor adaptation 'A Merchant of Venice'. #theatredesign #actors #actorslife #performingarts  #ShareYourShakespeare @RSC