
Exploring Shakespeare: Twelfth Night 3 - Enter Sir Toby

'there is no good comedy without tension and the possibility of sudden reversal'

Tiffany Parker 0 8429

Shakespeare In Italy presents the third instalment in its Associate Director Bill Alexander's truly enlightening series of blogs on Rehearsing Shakespeare focusing on particular plays. In this  - Twelfth Night : Enter Sir Toby - he examines the nature of comedy and tragedy looking at the interaction between Toby, Maria and Andrew Aguecheek. 

Exploring Shakespeare: Twelfth Night - Sea Captain

'Behind every line of Shakespeare there has to be an intention on the part of the speaker'

Mary Chater 0 7667

Our Associate Director Bill Alexander continues his brilliant series of blogs on Rehearsing Shakespeare here focusing on particular plays and in this edition - Twelfth Night and the sea captain - the importance of the role in setting up the plot and actioning the text. 

Exploring Shakespeare: Twelfth Night – Music and character

"embracing this imagistic illogicality to illuminate the character and his dilemma"

Tiffany Parker 0 17409

Shakespeare In Italy Associate Director Bill Alexander new series of blogs focusing on rehearsing particular plays continues with this third part of his spotlight on 'Twelfth Night': Finding Ilyria' - Music. It is a long blog – but we make no apology for that – Bill has a lot to say, and for anyone planning on rehearsing the great play, this is a MUST!

Exploring Shakespeare: Twelfth Night - Embracing Elizabethans

'emotional details which have little to do with being Elizabethan and everything to do with being human'

Tiffany Parker 0 5226

Shakespeare In Italy Associate Director Bill Alexander continues his new series of blogs which now focus on rehearsing particular plays. This is the second part of his spotlight on 'Twelfth Night': Finding Ilyria' - Embracing Elizabethans. In his next blog to follow, Bill will examine music in the play and its impact on approach to rehearsals for directors and actors.