
‘Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares, and take the winds of March with beauty’
Tiffany Parker
/ Categories: News

‘Daffodils, that come before the swallow dares, and take the winds of March with beauty’

We have a spring in our step and are feeling as mad as March hares with exciting activities to keep you buzzing, creative and connected

For booking information follow this link. There is also an option for one ticket to all seven events for £25. Otherwise each event is individually priced.

  • Talking Shakespeare – We are excited that Dame Janet Suzman will be joining us once again on Monday evenings for a two-parter on March 22 and 29 at 7pm. Drawing a blank on verse, prose and the iambic pentameter? Come to listen and learn from one of our finest Shakespearean actors. Janet is an Associate of the Royal Shakespeare Company and Life Fellow of the British Shakespeare Association and says I would like each participant to choose their own piece - something that rings a bell for them and familiarise themselves with it. No need to learn it as they should have their scripts in sight.” Tickets £5 per session.
  • Cleo and the boys – Janet will be with us to mark Shakespeare’s birthday at 7pm on April 23 with her fascinating talk, an unconventional take on Antony and Cleopatra. She is famous for one of the most iconic portrayals of Shakespeare’s Cleopatra, playing the role at the RSC and on film and later directed Kim Cattrall in the part. Janet argues controversially why she believes that Cleopatra was originally played by a woman. “I was so fascinated that a man, Shakespeare, could have written a woman, Cleopatra, that is so nuanced so subtle, to my eyes absolutely undoable except by a mature mind which is why I cannot see boys playing this role.” She further argues that the clue is in the line ‘and I shall see some squeaking Cleopatra boy my greatness i’ th’ posture of a whore’. Tickets £5.
  • Lockdown, Taboo and You – members of the company and invited actors will present a rehearsed reading of the four finalists in our play writing competition prior to the judges selecting the winner of the £200 prize. Come along and join us on Thursday March 11th at 7pm for an unforgettable evening, a celebration of lockdown activity which is keeping us connected. Run in conjunction with Props Mental Health, @PropsMHealth helping performers and technicians in the theatre, film and TV industry. Tickets £5.
  • Read-a-long and Tame the Shrew – during our recent workshop with Janet Suzman on Shakespeare and Manias one of the attendees asked the question “What can you say about the psychological manipulation that is used on Kate in The Taming of the Shrew?” Janet said “He saw what was lurking underneath Kate’s prickly exterior and he dug it out with no hint of flaky post-Freudian tip-toeing through the tulips.” Join members of the company on Tuesday evenings, beginning March 16, 23 and 30th, at 7pm as we revive our lockdown read-a-longs in three sessions – you can join in the reading or listen as you wish and we will stop and discuss what we read along the way. Tickets £15 for all three sessions. #versespeaking #iambicpentameter #damejanetsuzman #TheTamingoftheShrew #Shakespeareanverse #blankverse #prose #antony&cleopatra #shakespearesbirthday #cleopatra